Home | The Okinawa Issue: Twenty Five Years after the Futenma Agreement

The Okinawa Issue: Twenty Five Years after the Futenma Agreement

In today’s webinar, moderated by the Reischauer Center Director, Dr. Kent Calder, panelists provided updates on the relocation project of Futenma Air Station to the northern part of Okinawa in Henoko from both the Japanese and American perspectives.

Governor “Denny” Tamaki presented a comprehensive picture of the Okinawans’ concerns about the relocation. Ambassador David Shear emphasized the strategic importance of the US-Japan alliance amidst the intensifying US-China competition. Dr. William Brooks concluded with the historical developments of the relocation and offered potential paths to resolving the Futenma issue.

About this Webinar:

In Japan, the Okinawan main island hosts many US military bases. In 1996, the United States and Japan made an agreement to relocate Futenma Air Station to the northern part of the island in Henoko. Twenty-five years later relocation remains incomplete. This webinar will discuss the many issues affecting the conclusion of this arrangement.

How has the strategic importance of Okinawa affected Washington decisions? What factors have contributed to the conversations in Tokyo and Washington on how to resolve this issue? This presentation will address these and other questions relating to the Futenma issue.

This conference features three panelists: Gov. Yasuhiro “Denny” Tamaki, Governor of Okinawa, will present the prefecture’s perspective. Dr. William Brooks, Senior Advisor of the Reischauer Center, will discuss the issue in historical perspective. Finally, Amb. David Shear will note the US government’s perspective on the issue of relocating the Futenma Air Base. Dr. Kent Calder, Director of the Reischauer Center, will serve as moderator of this session.

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